Animation, as a technology has no bounds. Here we have used the Origami method through 3D animation to announce a new flight between New Delhi and New York in one...
3D animation is life like and expressive. This video made to explain the infotainment features of a high selling car explores the brief to the full, delivering exactly what the...
For a quarter of a century, he has been the driving force that has propelled his production house to being amongst the foremost in his field. Quick on the take, intuitive and knowledgeable, he is blessed with those inimitable qualities that make a producer excel – Creativity and Patience.
Charm oozing out of his six packs, Anush is the resident visualizer and story board artist. Talented, creative and ambitious, he dreams of the silver screen and swooning masses. He is forever ready with a smile, a kind word and a helping hand.
The Paranormal and VFX – That’s the alternative world that Varun dwells in. He is a powerhouse of creative energy driving people around him towards excellence. And if you sit down and talk to him outside working hours – its likely that he will prove that the world is flat!
Puneet’s dream – A Harley Davidson with The Black Widow clutching on for dear life. With this precious dream playing a continuous strain, he concentrates on his other great passion – 3D Animation. When not dreaming and not working – he creates happiness around himself.
Beer, percussions and soccer – defines Manash. As a professional, he is a perfectionist who makes his peers clutch their creative ponytails. No wonder so few have so little hair around him. He dreams of making the perfect design and watch Barca play Real in Spain.
Thoughtful, calm and yet bursting with positive energy. A rare mix that makes Shobhit who he is. When he is not deliberating over stories and creative ways to tell them, he is travelling to far off places, studying people and making friends.